Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Air Car - 

The ultimate people mover for the 

21st century

The Air Car can support people moving safely with a very fast speed. Air Car can give assistance to the people who suffer with the normal road transportation system with buses and cars which are crippled with huge traffics, when airplane service is too much costly and the train service is regularly irregular. With the modern software controlled operating mechanism, a speed of 250 miles per hour can be achieved with the Air Car, which is faster than a fighter helicopter used in the contemporary warfare.

Operation Principle of the 'Air Car'

Like an airplane, the Air Car has two wings in the two sides of its fuselage. One or more engines may be fitted with the wings to force the Air Car for moving forward. In the small Air Cars, piston engines apply power to the propellers to give the required force to the vehicle towards forward motion. The thrusts of the jet engines perform the same job of the whirling propellers in case of a mammoth-size Air Car.

 'Flyway' - the flight path for the Air Car

The Air Car is designed to fly within a 'Flyway' dedicatedly built for forward moving of the vehicle. A special design will protect the Air Car from slipping away from the flyway during flight. The flyway will be required to be built above the plain land so that there will be no interruption by man, livestock or other vehicles during the flights of the Air Car. Therefore, the overhead flyways will categorically save the precious agricultural land for crop production.

The Air Car & the flyway - an invention from Bangladesh

A Bangladeshi scientist, Mohammad Abdullah has invented the Air Car in November, 2012. It is expected that the system will be cordially accepted as the fast moving transport of the 21st Century for the developing countries as well as for the developed countries. The cell phone number of the inventor is +88 01715165707 ; email: The inventor is looking for selling his idea in developed countries as he already applied for patent for the AirCar. The Bangladeshi nationals staying in the developed countries and interested investors are requested to cooperate the inventor to implement the idea globally.

Advantages of the Air Car & the flyway

The Air Car will offer people the same taste of experience and accolade of fast moving like an aircraft, just without having the fear of falling from the sky during sudden engine failure. While considering a future communication system, the government of the concerned countries can consider for preferring the Air Car based system for faster, fuel saving and environment friendly solution. 

Hopefully, it is expected that the Air Car will open up an assortment of new vistas for the local entrepreneurs and fun park owners. The consortium of entrepreneurs may take initiatives to establish communication system for interconnecting the neighboring cities with the Air Cars & flyways. The operation of the prototype of the Air Car may be seen by clicking the link below: