Sunday, May 26, 2013

Is the World ready to harvest 

the advantages of  Centesimal Time?

A Bangladeshi scientist has invented the Centesimal Time counting system, which is based on the formula of 'One hundred'. In this method of counting time, 1 day + 1 consecutive night = 100 hour, 1 hour = 100 minutes and 1 minute = 100 seconds. 

Earlier, the human being at their prehistoric civilization could identify and utilize only day and night or the sun and the moon; i.e., our prehistoric fore-fathers could manage only 2 simple divisions of the time, i.e.,
 the 'light' and the 'dark'.

In ancient Bangladesh and some parts of India, people divided the day and nights in to "Prohor". Hundreds of years ago, people of Bangladesh divided a day and the consecutive night in to eight (8) divisions or, Prohors. There are four Prohors in a day and another four Prohors in a night, i.e., total eight Prohors. That means, a Prohor consists of three hours on the basis of 24 hours.
Later, the human civilization learned to divide the time of a consecutive day and night in to 24 hours. Man invented sand clocks and spring driven timepieces to watch, monitor and best utilize their time.

Now we, the mankind need a more precise time counting system to cope up with the fast and forward moving life. The electronics industry have the necessary microchips and LCD/ LED displays to make any gadgets that will use this system to show the time, which will ultimately change the way of counting time.

It is expected that this 100 unit base time counting system will replace the old 24 hours > 60 minutes > 60 seconds based time counting method. It will give the mankind the opportunity of best utilization of time by partitioning it more precisely.
In the Centesimal System, as for example, the dial of a digital timepiece will show the times as follows:

Starting from the zero hour         = 00: 00: 01
Late night at 3:00 am                = 12: 50: 00
Morning at 6: 00 am                  = 25: 00: 00
Midday at 12:00 pm                   = 50: 00: 00
Evening at 6:00 pm                   = 75: 00: 00
Mid-night, prior to zero hour       = 99: 99: 99
Mid-night zero hour                    = 00:00:00

Although, the zero hour = 00:00:00 (at 12:00 a.m. of present system) is counted at the 'midnight' on the basis of existing practice; however, the people of any particular country may start their own time counting system just after the 'sunset', instead of the midnight. Therefore, the more active and hard-working people will get some supplementary time instantly after the sunset to prepare their work plan for tomorrow. 

It is expect that the people of this planet will consider the proposal and may include this new system of counting time in their new clocks, smart phones, computers and other gadgets and take a vital part in changing the way that we, the mankind count the time.

The inventor of the Centesimal counting system, 
Mohammad Abdullah may be contacted with the following Cell phone no: +880 1715 165 707

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