Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nourishing the History and Heritage and Selling the Local Famous Products: The Business Concept of "Upa Zilla Info-Museum" in  Bangladesh

1. There is an urgent need for maintaining, nourishing and caring the history and heritage of Bangladesh like a child. A country can enthusiastically nourish its own history, heritage and culture only by herself.

2. In a developing country, it is a very difficult task to nourish a sector which is not proven as 'economically profitable'. In Bangladesh 'Archiving' or establishing small 'Local museum' at Upa Zilla level is holding its position under this non-profit category. But, the situation can be changed by doing some 'home work' with the problem. Because on the other side of every problem there is a solution of the same hiding unnoticed - just we need to discover and implement it.

3. Initially, some brave entrepreneurs are needed to "make, own and show" the sample to the people technique for small and profitable entrepreneurship with archiving at some places in Bangladesh. After receiving the feed back and earning of experiences from the trial and error method, country wise expansion program may be taken later.

4. The concept is: There may be an "Upa Zilla Info-Museum" at the Upa Zilla level that can be owned by an individual or an NGO. At this moment 'Archiving' or 'Local Museum' may not come as the 'Main Dish' of the Info Museum. Let it come with a side dish or even 'Salad' or Salt, ultimately it will capture its' position by its own virtue.  

5. The "Upa Zilla Info-Museum" may collect and display local old documents, literature, relevant to the culture and the concerned Upa Zilla and the society. It can also collect and display antiques, samples of marketable local handicrafts and sale famous foods or agricultural products. People may enter in the display to see the old items and can purchase the local handicrafts, food and other agricultural products. Earning from the sales profit will help to run the center

6. At the 'Upa Zilla Info-Museum' people will supply their products, people will come to see their product and people will purchase their product. Like democracy, the salable product will be of the people, by the people and for the people.

7. If anybody can make it a successful venture in any place, people from other areas of the country will come forward to try with this business idea.  This is simply a small business concept and we hope that the later versions of the "Upa Zilla Info -Museum" will be of higher quality and more successful. 

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